Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Midsummers Night Dream
A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream William Shakespeareââ¬â¢s play A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream is a classic love story about two young would-be couples, and an aspiring actor named Bottom who end up being caught in the middle of a lovers quarrel between Oberon, the king of the fairies and Titania, his Queen. They all find themselves tangled in a web of chaos, administered by Oberon and his sidekick Puck. The chaotic love story ensues, as Puck administers a secret love potion that causes the lovers to switch partners as if they have fallen in love at first sight. William Shakespeareââ¬â¢s A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream is purely magical because it transports you deep into the enchanted forests of Athens near the secret home of the fairies, where water nymphs, satyrs and fairies make a dream-like fantasy become reality. Just like how Michael Hoffmanââ¬â¢s A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream is based on a dream world, so are these little magical creatures named fairies. Fairies go by many different nicknames, but the name Fayââ¬â¢s is the early form of the word fairy. There are many different kinds of faeriekith nature spirits, which have been brought to life by the essence of Celtic-mythology. Fairies may not exist in reality but these magical nature spirits do exist in our childhood dreams. This dream world brings magic and fantasy into our lives in the form of imaginary small beings with magical powers. These magical little creatures not only live in Never-never land or enchanted forests but they also live in our imagination where fairies, water nymphs and satyrs sing and dance in our minds. We have all grown up watching little fairies sprinkle fairy dust on people in the movies, and watched them in amazement as they magically disappear into mid air without a trace. At a young age we only wished we could experience the fairies magical powers first hand, but as we get older we start to detach are selves from magic and fantasy, especially fairies. This is w... Free Essays on Midsummers Night Dream Free Essays on Midsummers Night Dream A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream William Shakespeareââ¬â¢s play A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream is a classic love story about two young would-be couples, and an aspiring actor named Bottom who end up being caught in the middle of a lovers quarrel between Oberon, the king of the fairies and Titania, his Queen. They all find themselves tangled in a web of chaos, administered by Oberon and his sidekick Puck. The chaotic love story ensues, as Puck administers a secret love potion that causes the lovers to switch partners as if they have fallen in love at first sight. William Shakespeareââ¬â¢s A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream is purely magical because it transports you deep into the enchanted forests of Athens near the secret home of the fairies, where water nymphs, satyrs and fairies make a dream-like fantasy become reality. Just like how Michael Hoffmanââ¬â¢s A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream is based on a dream world, so are these little magical creatures named fairies. Fairies go by many different nicknames, but the name Fayââ¬â¢s is the early form of the word fairy. There are many different kinds of faeriekith nature spirits, which have been brought to life by the essence of Celtic-mythology. Fairies may not exist in reality but these magical nature spirits do exist in our childhood dreams. This dream world brings magic and fantasy into our lives in the form of imaginary small beings with magical powers. These magical little creatures not only live in Never-never land or enchanted forests but they also live in our imagination where fairies, water nymphs and satyrs sing and dance in our minds. We have all grown up watching little fairies sprinkle fairy dust on people in the movies, and watched them in amazement as they magically disappear into mid air without a trace. At a young age we only wished we could experience the fairies magical powers first hand, but as we get older we start to detach are selves from magic and fantasy, especially fairies. This is w...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
8 requisitos visas J-1 maestros para trabajar en EE.UU.
8 requisitos visas J-1 maestros para trabajar en EE.UU. Los maestros extranjeros que desean trabajar en Estados Unidos en las escuelas de primaria o de secundaria pueden obtener distintos tipos de visas para trabajar, como la H-1B para profesionales o la J-1, tambià ©n conocida como de intercambio. En este artà culo se explica quà © debe saberse del programa J-1 para docentes, incluida la obligacià ³n de residir fuera de Estados Unidos al finalizar el programaà y quà © agencias estn autorizadas para patrocinar una visa de este tipo.à Asimismo se explican los requisitos mà nimos que se piden para obtener la visa, quà © gastos corren de cuenta del maestro solicitante, quà © familiares pueden viajar a Estados Unidos con lo que se se conoce como visa derivada y, finalmente, si econà ³micamente compensa trabajar con una visa J-1. Pasos para J-1 para maestros extranjeros Obtener patrocinio a travà ©s de una agencia o un organismo oficialObtener el DS-2019Pagar SEVISAcudir a un consulado estadounidense para obtener visa J-1 Caracterà sticas de las visas para docentes J-1 Tiempo de vigencia La J-1 es una visa ampliamente utilizada por los que desean ejercer de profesores de primaria o secundaria en EE.UU. Su periodo de vigencia es de entre uno y tres aà ±os.à Cabe destacar que para enseà ±ar en una universidad se puede obtener este mismo tipo de visa, pero en otro programa.à Materias Puede enseà ±arse cualquier materia, desde Ciencias y Matemticas a Mà ºsica. Pero lo cierto es que todos los aà ±os se ofertan muchas plazas para docentes del idioma espaà ±ol. Obligacià ³n de salir de EE.UU. Al finalizar el contrato, el maestro debe necesariamente regresar a su paà s de origen. Adems, debern pasar al menos dos aà ±os antes de que pueda solicitar otra visa, como por ejemplo la H-1B, para entrar de nuevo en Estados Unidos. Incluso es posible solicitar de nuevo participar en el programa J-1. La visa J-1 no permite que se busque intencionadamente obtener una oferta de trabajo en EE.UU. o emigrar permanentemente a EE.UU. mediante la obtencià ³n de una tarjeta de residencia permanente. Aunque hay excepciones ââ¬â conocidas como waiverââ¬â a esta regla de estancia fuera de EE.UU. por un periodo de dos aà ±os, lo cierto es que en la mayorà a de los casos es muy difà cil conseguir anular la obligacià ³n de regresar al paà s de origen por un par de aà ±os. Es fundamental entender esta restriccià ³n ya que sorprende a muchos maestros extranjeros ya que aplica incluso en casos en los que la persona con una visa J-1 se casa de buena fe con un ciudadano americano que a continuacià ³n pide los papeles para su cà ³nyuge extranjero. Este matrimonio no es suficiente para levantar la obligacià ³n de residir fuera de los Estados Unidos por dos aà ±os al acaba el programa. Patrocinador de profesores para enseà ±ar en EE.UU. El docente extranjero puede trabajar en una escuela pà ºblica, privada o una charter, es decir, una escuela pà ºblica gestionada privadamente. La à ºnica condicià ³n es que està ©n acreditadas con el programa. En este tipo de visas es fundamental la figura del patrocinador. Esta es una lista de 10 agencias autorizadas por el Departamento de Estado para contratar maestros extranjeros. No todos los patrocinadores son iguales y algunos estn especializados en determinadas materias o en determinados estados, por lo que se recomienda solicitar informacià ³n de varios de ellos y comparar antes de decidirse por uno de ellos. Los patrocinadores y la escuela proporcionarn al maestro toda la documentacià ³n necesaria, entre ellos el formulario DS-2019, para comenzar el proceso de peticià ³n de visa ante el consulado estadounidense correspondiente, que puede denegarlaà por ser inelegible si no se cumplen todos los requisitos y tambià ©n si no se cumplen los requisitos para ser admitido a los Estados Unidos. Adems, el patrocinador ser el punto de contacto principal del maestro durante su estancia en EEUU y deber resolver cualquier problema que pueda surgir. 8 requisitos para obtener la visa J-1 para maestros Para que un maestro extranjero pueda trabajar en EE.UU. con una visa J-1 es necesario cumplir, como mà nimo, con los siguientes requisitos. Fluidez en inglà ©s. Pueden exigir un puntaje mà nimo en el TOEFL o pueden comprobarlo en una entrevista o ambas cosas.Tà tulo que de maestro de primaria o secundaria en su paà sCumplir con los requisitos de certificacià ³n para enseà ±ar que exija el estado de la Unià ³n americana en el que quiere enseà ±ar.Experiencia profesional mà nima de dos aà ±os (24 meses) como maestro o en una actividad relacionada.Disponibilidad para trabajar a jornada completa.à En muchos casos se pide que el maestro tenga licencia de manejar con una antigà ¼edad mà nima de dos aà ±os.Acreditacià ³n de los credenciales educativos por una organizacià ³n aprobada por el patrocinador de la visa.Finalmente, el candidato debe ser una persona de buen carcter moral. Es decir, bsicamente, que nunca haya sido condenado por un delito. Una condena puede hacer imposible conseguir una visa en un Consulado estadounidense. Viajar con familiares El maestro que obtenga una J-1 puede viajar a EEUU acompaà ±ado por su cà ³nyuge y sus hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os de edad. Los familiares obtendrn una visa J-2, de naturaleza derivada, esto es, si la J-1 es cancelada o expira, tambià ©n lo har la J-2. El marido o la mujer del maestro, que tendr una visa J-2, podr trabajar en EEUU siempre y cuando pida permiso al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y le sea concedido. Para solicitarlo debern probar que los ingresos se destinarn a mantenerse a sà mismo y a hijos menores de edad, si los hubiese, pero no al titular de la J-1. Si à ©ste fuera el caso, el USCIS denegar el permiso. El formulario para pedir el permiso es el I-765 y que en la actualidad tiene un costo $410à para procesarlo y que puede incrementarse en cualquier momento. El permiso expirar al mismo tiempo que la visa. Los hijos de un maestro con J-1 y que tienen a su propio nombre una visa J-2 pueden estudiar en escuelas pà ºblicas o privadas de EE.UU. Quà © gastos pagan los docentes titulares de visas J-1 En primer lugar, se debe pagar la denominada tasa SEVIS por un importe de $220 para cubrir los gastos de gestià ³n del programa de intercambio. La excepcià ³n son los programas de intercambio con patrocinio federal. En estos casos no se paga tarifa por SEVIS y son los programas cuyos cà ³digos comienzan por G-1, G-2, G-3 o G-7. No se paga tarifa SEVIS para el cà ³nyuge e hijos del maestro que recibe la visa J-1. El pago de SEVIS debe hacerse directamente al Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS) antes de acudir al consulado a obtener la visa. Si el maestro viaja a EEUU con su familia, la tasa no aplica ni para los hijos ni para el cà ³nyuge. Es decir, sà ³lo la paga el titular de la J-1. A continuacià ³n deber pagarse un arancel de $160 por tener la visa estampada en el pasaporte. Cada uno de los familiares que acompaà ±e al maestro deber abonar otros $160 por cada visa derivada J-2 que se emita. Adems, algunos consulados exigen pequeà ±os gastos adicionales, como pago de hasta $20 por cerrar una cita por telà ©fono o abono por el envà o por correo de documentacià ³n. En el momento de acudir al Consulado o Embajada para ser entrevistado y obtener la visa hay que enfatizar que algunos consulados piden al solicitante una gran cantidad de documentacià ³n para probar que no tiene intencià ³n de quedarse en EEUU. Los requisitos varà an de paà s a paà s, hay que estar preparado para ello y lo cierto es que se pide ms documentacià ³n en los paà ses con un nà ºmero alto de nacionales que han violado los tà ©rminos de sus visas al no abandonar EEUU cuando tenà an que hacerlo. Salarios de maestros en Estados Unidos Trabajar en Estados Unidos como maestro brinda conocidas ventajas, como conocer otro paà s y practicar inglà ©s. Pero es tambià ©n importante saberà cunto ganan los maestros en Estados Unidos. Las cantidades varà an enormemente segà ºn el estado, la ciudad, la especialidad y los aà ±os trabajados. Adems, es importante conocer el monto de los impuestos y de la canasta alimenticia en el lugar donde se piensa trabajar. Puede suceder que se gane mucho ms que en el paà s de origen pero que, desde el punto de vista econà ³mico teniendo en cuenta los gastos, no resulte ventajoso. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Finance Article Critiques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Finance Article Critiques - Essay Example Blair-Loy conducted a study to evaluate the changes that have occurred in the cultural frameworks of family responsibilities of women executives in the financial sector. She defined two gendered cultural frameworks i.e. a work devotion schema and a family devotion schema. These schemes are identified as the main causes of conflicts in the intervieweesââ¬â¢ vision for a meaningful life. From the interviews, the older interviewees are more inclined to portray a diametrically opposed conflict between the family and work schemes, thus many avoid childbearing or getting into marriages. On the other hand, the younger respondents who did not experience the womenââ¬â¢s movement of the 1970s have reconstituted the family scheme through sub-contracting domestic roles in order to main their demanding careers. Nonetheless, the schema on family devotion haunts all cohorts due to its emotional, normative and cognitive power. Thus, she concludes that gender, when expressed in familial cultura l frameworks, continue to be a significant constraint on the minds and the hearts of women.The study utilized a cohort study by evaluating the executivesââ¬â¢ devotion to either family or work based on their experiences and upbringing in different periods. the different cohorts make it easy to calculate the required ratios and to relate them to factors such as the womenââ¬â¢s movement. This makes it easy to attribute the result to specific factors. Nonetheless, such an approach will require the re-assessment of these factors over time.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
English settlement in the Americas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
English settlement in the Americas - Essay Example The colonization had made Spain the wealthiest nation, during the later years of the 1500s. The inflow of the English was triggered by the need to colonize and explore the Americas, after they saw that Spain was growing extremely rich during the sixteenth century (Benedict 1996). However, the colonization and the exploration style of England was different from that of Portugal and Spain, as England privatized its exploration, through granting letters of Marquis and charters to the individuals that captured English colonies as economic strongholds. This paper will explore the motives behind the development of English settlements in the Americas, both from the perspective of the settlers and official policy formulations (Starkey 1998). The motives included mercantilism, which is the economic outlook of integrating private and government efforts, towards fostering economic development. The aims of the system included managing all the components of American trade, including transport, pr oduction and retailing ââ¬â under the control of England. ... There was also the spread of Protestantism, partly due to Henry VIIIââ¬â¢s pursuit of getting a male child. After the death of Edward in 1553, Mary I took over, and she started killing Protestants, so that she could restore England to Catholicism. On one occasion, she commanded the execution of 300 Protestants for heresy, and had them burnt. During the time of fleeing England to avoid persecution, and after the reign of Elizabeth, the English settled in the Americas ââ¬â and in the process realized the goal of expanding their religious coverage (Spielvogel 2000). The English sought to expand the coverage of their religion, as there was the common view that Spanish Catholicism was evil. As a result, the attacks staged on Spanish ships by Sir Francis, while in the American waters were hailed as a heroic act, and not pirate activity. The demolition of the Spanish armada paved way for the English explorers to colonize the Americas, which was also an effort to contain the spread of Catholicism. The development of English settlements in the Americas was also triggered by the population increase of the 1500s. During the time, England passed laws on enclosure, making all land private, which made it very difficult for commoners to feed their animals at public lands. The shift towards privatizing land resulted from the increase in the price of wool. As a result, land owners decided to stop the competition for provision of wool by increasing their farm lands and to increase their wealth through the trade. The shift increased wool production, but also led to an increase in the number of landless people, who has sustained their livelihood by grazing at public lands. Also, between 1530
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Personal Narrative and First-Hand Observation Essay Example for Free
Personal Narrative and First-Hand Observation Essay Personal Narrative and First-Hand Observation in a Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass, the Ballot or the Bullet, and Dance with the Devil By davidleny Personal narrative and first-hand observation are key components if an author wishes to be effective in his writing. Through the use of personal narrative and first- hand observation, the author is able to gain sympathy from or relate to the audience. Although it can be argued the use of these two components does not result in effective writing, it is proven to be true in Frederick Douglass A Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass, Malcolm Xs The Ballot or the Bullet, and Immortal Techniques Dance with the Devil. In A Narrative Life Of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass, Frederick uses his personal life experience to demonstrate the inhumane brutality and mistreatment against the African American slaves. Douglass is effective in his writing and attracts the attention of the audience. For example, earlier in the narrative Frederick mentions how loving and caring his grandmother was and how she took care of and nurtured every slave child. Later on in the narrative he mentions that when his old masters die, his grandmother was isolated and taken away from her children to live alone in the woods in a mud chimney hut. Text 1) The use of Douglass personal experience with his grandmother captivates his audience because the African American enslaved community, whom this narrative at the time was directed towards, also had a grandmother who nurtured them. Likewise in The Ballot or The Bullet by Malcolm X, Malcolm discusses that even though people have differences, we all face the same problem. Malcolm expresses that whether you are Muslim, Baptist, or Methodist, we all are going to suffer the decisions of the man that is in charge of us. (Text 2) The audience is able to connect to his experience because e involved people of all religions. Malcolms experience allows the audience to become aware of what is to come and that they will all suffer the consequences. Malcolm is effective in his writing because he includes the rights of every human. The audience concerning their well being of is captivated and becomes aware of the situation. Furthermore in Dance with the Devil by Immortal Techniques, the artist reveals the truth that not everyone is good, that everyone has evil in them. The artists engagement of all races and of the welfare of the people gains the attention f the audience and is effective. For example, the artist says that the person right next to you could be the devil and that the devil consumes the hearts of the selfish and the wicked. (Text 3, Lines 1,2, and 5. ) His use of the devil as evil supports his belief that not everything is good. First-hand observation and personal narrative is required to have effective writing in order to grasp the attention of the audience. This is evident in Frederick Douglass A Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass, Malcolm Xs The Ballot or the Bullet, and Immortal Techniques Dance with the Devil.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Pete Rose :: essays research papers
Peter Edward Rose was born in Cincinnati in 1941. He said that when he was growing up he rooted for the Cincinnati Reds just like every other kid in the area. In the summertime of most of his childhood years he played baseball constantly. He also played in high school, however he thinks that he was a better football player than a baseball player in school. He said that he liked to play football more because many people would attend the games, and not many showed up for baseball. "You could throw a bomb into the stands at our (high school) baseball games, and you wouldn't kill anyone". If it wasn't for Pete's uncle, who was a scout for the Cincinnati Reds, he would never nave played baseball. His uncle saw him play in high school and signed him to a contract with the Reds farm system. Pete started out at the class "A" level. He rose up quickly making the starting roster for the Reds opening day team in the same year, 1963. On opening day Pete said he wasn't nervous at all until about 10 minutes before the game. It hit him that he was now starting for the Cincinnati Reds, when not more than a year ago he thought football was his life. He walked in his first at bat, on 4 straight pitches. He said it wasn't because of nerves though, he just didn't want to swing. He got his first hit in the majors three games later, against the Pittsburgh Pirates. 	Pete played with the Cincinnati Reds from 1963 to 1978, and then he signed with the Philadelphia Phillies. He played in Philly from 1979 to 1983, and then he went to the Montreal Expos for 1984. He stayed only one half year in Montreal, having a desire to retire in his hometown Cincinnati. He played his final two and a half years, 1984-1986, in Cincinnati, and then he retired. He then went on to become the Reds manager from 1987 to 1989. 	During his career Pete Rose was called "Charlie Hustle" because of the way that he played. He played a "blue-collar" game of baseball, running out everything, and diving headfirst into bases with regularity. Few players can or will ever match the passion that Pete Rose played with. Rose was the leadoff hitter for Cincinnati's "big red machine" which was a force in baseball in the 1970's.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Queen Elizabeth Essay
ââ¬ËThe Taming of the Shrewââ¬â¢, written by William Shakespeare between 1589 and 1594, is a romantic comedy set in the Italian city of Padua. Since the play was written, the audienceââ¬â¢s idea of comedy has changed quite dramatically. In the fifteen hundreds, an audience would have enjoyed obvious, visual aspects of comedy such as we would see in a modern-day pantomime, whereas an audience watching the play today would also enjoy less obvious aspects such as sarcasm, irony and dry humour. Shakespeare, although aware of Queen Elizabethââ¬â¢s position as a strong and independent woman, also had to fulfil the expectations of the time. This is why the ââ¬Ëfeministââ¬â¢ of the play comes out ââ¬ËTamedââ¬â¢ at the end. Women were expected to be obedient to men, whether husband, father or elder, in the same way as commoners were subservient to the King and aristocracy, a model of society often referred to as the Great Chain of Being. This hierarchy supported belief in the Divine Right of Kings and, similarly, in manââ¬â¢s superiority to woman. The fact that the play is set in Italy further strengthens the link with the Italian tradition of Commedia dellââ¬â¢Arte, one of the major influences on modern pantomime. The subject of ââ¬ËThe Taming of the Shrewââ¬â¢ ââ¬â who shall have sovereignty in marriage ââ¬â is also part of a long and well established tradition in English literature offering many opportunities for comedy, for example Chaucerââ¬â¢s ââ¬ËWife of Bathââ¬â¢s Taleââ¬â¢ and Noahââ¬â¢s wife in the Medieval Mystery Plays. The play is primarily about love and respect between husband and wife, though there are many other underlying themes: the relationship between master and servant, violence, and oppression, sexual compatibility, marriage and its materialistic assets, family, and the relationship between appearance and reality. As the title suggests, the play follows the struggles of Petruchio and Katherina in courtship and marriage; Petruchio takes on the challenge of marrying the famed ââ¬ËShrewââ¬â¢, known in Padua for her scolding tongue and uninviting attitude, and by the end of the play manages to tame her. It sheds light on the belief of the time that women should be completely obedient toward their masters, and that Kate realizes she will get nowhere resisting men and relents to Petruchioââ¬â¢s authority.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Experiencing a New Country: France Essay
In this short essay, I chose a country I traveled to that opened my eyes to different cultures. France is a country full of diversity and a place I would feel honored to return to, in hopes of learning more from the culture they have to offer. Traveling to France I expected to be entranced by the grand architecture and art that had contributed to history, I was mistaken. I found the heart and soul of the nation in the people. I realized, after much travel, that it is the people and their culture continually that amaze me. After exploring France, I discovered the invigoration of hearing a dissimilar language and learning how to adapt to the new environment. While some travelers carried the pride of their nation, I found it invigorating to assimilate into my new surroundings. In order to accomplish this, I decided to learn French in hopes that continual study of common practices would allow me to live the life of a Frenchmen. Upon arrival I found it easy to adopt the concept of public transportation, and each metro ride became more satisfying as I met varying people of varying nations. I then adjusted my eating schedules and found a taste for French cuisine. With this, I commenced greeting my fellow Frenchmen with, ââ¬Å"Bonjour monsieur! â⬠I was determined to not leave as a stereotypical tourist. I made it my goal to experience the nooks and crannies far from tourist France that is so often portrayed. That is when I found myself sitting in a local brasserie sipping ââ¬Å"une lemonadeâ⬠and thinking this is one adventure of a lifetime. Now being back in Texas, I hope to embark in my next adventure, to be apart of Colgate Univesity, an institution rich with culture and diversity that produces diplomats of the world.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Problem of Slaves and The Article Notes on Virginia Written by Thomas Jefferson essays
Problem of Slaves and The Article Notes on Virginia Written by Thomas Jefferson essays In this article, Jefferson discusses the problems that the institution of slavery created in Virginia and how it affected the slaves. The notes were written while Jefferson was the Governor of Virginia and were based on an inquiry made by the French legation in Philadelphia and discussed several different aspects of life in Virginia. The article explains the reasons why Jefferson believes that freeing blacks would be detrimental to the state. Jefferson begins by explaining that it would be difficult to incorporate the slaves into the state because of the racism that the institution of slavery had caused. Jefferson argues that "Deep rooted prejudices entertained by the whites; ten thousand recollections, by the blacks, of the injuries they have sustained; new provocations, the real distinctions which nature has made; and many other circumstances, will divide us into parties, and produce convulsions, which will probably never end but in the extermination of one or the other race." (Jefferson 182) Jefferson also asserts that the Black race is inferior to the white race on many different levels. He explains that this inferiority would make it difficult for the slaves to function in society. The notions of black inferiority abound throughout the article and the Governor asserts that blacks are inferior intellectually and in the arts, lack physical attractiveness and lack the ability to reason. Jefferson attempts to parallel Roman slaves with American slaves and concludes that the inferiority that he saw in black was not a result of their condition, but instead a result of nature. Because of this perceived "inferiority", Jefferson believes that abolishing slavery would be difficult asserting that the "unfortunate difference of color, and perhaps of faculty, is a powerful obstacle to the emancipation of these pe...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Expanded and Extended
Expanded and Extended Expanded and Extended Expanded and Extended By Maeve Maddox Tali asks, What is the difference between extended and expanded When do you use either? Although extend and expand can be used interchangeably in some contexts, extend applies to things that are being stretched out, while expand applies to things that are spread out. One implies length; the other area. If you extend your arm, for example, you stretch it out, making it longer. If your waist expands, its getting larger. As a business expands, or gets larger, it may extend its opening hours. Extend comes from a word meaning to stretch out, lengthen. (Latin extendere, stretch out, from ex out + tendere, to stretch.) Expand comes from a word meaning spread out, spread flat. (Latin ex out + pandere to spread, stretch. In this quotation that uses both words, extend conveys a lengthening of time, while expand indicates that more people will be covered by the credit: On Wednesday, the Senate voted to extend and expand the tax credit to include many buyers who already own homes. Here are some uses of both words: Laguna College of Art and Design officials hope to expand the library and build a new gallery. Availability of the iPad will expand to all of Best Buys U.S. stores Sessions Predicts Congress Will Extend Tax Cuts After Election Investigators are going to extend the probe until February 2011 A contract might be expanded to include additional specifications, or extended to last for a longer period: BP could expand the contract of a local disaster relief company, giving it the power to call in additional resources to defend Mobile Bay in the event its threatened by oilâ⬠¦ Last seasons UEFA Champions League runners-up, Bayern Munich, have decided to extend the contract of Coach Louis van Gaal. When expanded and extended are used as adjectives, context determines meaning: This article explains how to allocate memory and set up your system to run both expanded and extended memory. The Extended Mind refers to an emerging conceptâ⬠¦that addresses the question as to the division point between the mind and the environmentâ⬠¦ I have returned [from my travels] with an expanded mind and an open heart. Bottom line: Choose expand if what youre talking about is getting wider, becoming more inclusive, or taking up more space. Use extend if what youre talking about is increasing in duration, length, or reach. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Spelling Test 1The Many Forms of the Verb TO BETreatment of Words That Include ââ¬Å"Selfââ¬
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Virtual world Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Virtual world - Assignment Example 6 Figure 2: villageâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦..â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ 10 Figure 3 Figure 1: the village with housesâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.. 10 Figure 4 Figure 2: a complete waste management gameâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦..â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.. 12 1.0 Abstract The virtual world is an online society, which is in the form of a computer system environment. The main elements of the virtual world are the avatars that are visible to each other in 2-dimension, 3-dimension, and even as textual. The users of the virtual world related or interact through a computer based 3-D system and create objects no matter where they are located physically. The virtual world application enables the ma ny users to use such computer applications at the same time. Virtual world applications are used in marketing, prototyping, training, sales, replication and distance learning. Development of Digital virtual world involves the ability of producing a user-friendly environment where multiple users are able to interact. The virtual world is commonly used in institutions, schools, government organization, institutions, and corporations. Virtual world enables users to meet online and have the feeling of being together thereby enabling partnership of different countries. 2.0 Introduction In the world today, needs are arising of enforcing strong values on waste disposal through education of the masses, coming up with strategic planning and creating tools for effective communication towards enhancing behavioural change. To best capture the majority specifically the youthful population, there has been need to develop a series of game are designed that will capture their attention. Games are v iewed to be enjoyed when played. While people engage in playing games, learning is also enhanced through the game. Youths sand children are expected to gain constructive knowledge through virtualizing their world. Notably, the development of the game involves the same methodologies as applied in the application development. Therefore, this project aims at deploying the Agile Application development method. The Agile game development usually aims at educating children and youths on the collection of waste materials, that helps in conserving the environment. 3.0 Related Work Numerous virtual game applications are available in the market. Simcity Application is an example of a virtual world game where users can play the game by creating and managing modelled societies and world. Simcity does not make use of individual Avatars as a demonstration of the players. The Math - city is an example of simulation-based learning that supports students in their learning process especially in Mathe matical calculations. The advancement in Mathematics is used to promote the growth in the community. Recycle city recommends a point-and-click interfaces that will help in delivering environmental education the people. Nonetheless, this project will employ the 3D virtual world approach that can explore the use of an avatar as association and competition social methods. In this sense, the learner playing the game that involves environmental management techniques will develop the sense and the need of environmental conservation through the game (Kalivarapu et al, 2004, Pg. 7). 3.0 Objectives of the project The project is designed to help
Friday, November 1, 2019
Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 16
Ethics - Essay Example The Chinese civilization focused on agriculture. Taoism and Confucianism acted as the two main schools of thoughts and Chinese philosophy. The interaction of Chinese civilization with nature has led its people to gain an appreciation and admiration towards nature (Gao, 2012). The Chinese culture highly value nature. The valuing of nature in this culture results from emotional influences. Chinese art such as gardening, landscape painting and poetry has a close relationship with nature. This shows that the pursuit of nature with harmony is a constant event and effort in Chinese cultural practice and philosophy. The Chinese culture views nature as a self-generating process of reproduction and production of life. The Chinese economy heavily relies on manufacturing and exporting, which leads to immense environmental degradation. Additionally, China has made huge investments in the exploitation of natural resources in Asia and African countries. This also leads to massive environmental degradation because of overexploitation. The interactions of Chinese societies with nature are influenced by the concept of chi that plays a crucial role in Chinese philosophy. The concepts of chi and empathy immensely influence the Chinese appreciation of nature. Chinese philosophy views nature as an organic system that is continuously self-generating. The concept of chi is essential in the ethical interaction and appreciation of nature. Chi contains both spiritual and material meaning (Gao, 2012). Cheng Chung-Ying states that chi contains epistemological, metaphysical and scientific theory and aesthetic dimension (Cheng, 1986, 356). Chi has characteristic features that are closely interconnected. These features are creativity, emptiness and continuity. Continuity means that chi is the basic component that makes everything. Therefore, all spaces and things are
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